
It was hard work but well worth the effort to share the love and Gospel of Jesus in this hard hit area!

What a blessing to get to lift the Africa missions team up in prayer as they head off to share the Gospel and the love of Christ to the people in Kenya!

100 degree temps didn't keep people from coming and enjoying fun games and a great concert with Brandon Bee and his band.

What a fun time watching these gifted young people share some awesome Bluegrass music on such a beautiful evening!

120 kids showed up to hear about how Jesus' power could pull them through! Everyone had a wonderful time learning more about how we can trust Jesus in all things.

What a blessing it was to have Dr. Jason Lisle from the Biblical Science Institute come and share with us about the importance of Genesis!

A sweet time of fellowship, digging into God's Word, and worship was had by all the ladies!

So many hard working servants showed up again this year to provide wood for those needing firewood!

Thank you everyone for all your support by donating goods and stopping by to make a purchase to help kids go to Youth Group Summer Camp!

Those hardworking servants were at it again this fall to make sure they could get firewood to those needing wood for the winter!

Such a sweet time of fellowship as we gathered to spend time together, celebrate with those choosing to get baptized, and enjoy some great barbecue!

What a great turnout of kids that came to hear how to grow in and walk with our Lord Jesus, the one True, all-wise God, in lots of fun ways up on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

What a joyous time it was to celebrate with our brothers and sisters as they chose to be baptized at beautiful Deer Lake!

The kids grew in their faith and had a great time as they learned about the multiple ways we can FOCUS on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith!

It rained and it poured but that didn't stop those faithful servants from getting firewood prepared for those in need.

We had an amazing 10 days in Israel! The Bible came alive as we visited many sites in Israel where Jesus walked and God showed His mighty hand as recorded in the Bible.

What a beautiful day we were blessed with to enjoy our annual picnic and baptism at Loon Lake!

"Gone Fishin" ~ 80 kids participated in VBS and learned all about being a disciple of Jesus!

May 2019 ~ What a blessing it was once again to serve with Sojourner's Mission in our annual Mexico Outreach.

We are truly "grateful" to have had a time of fellowship and to create a beautiful painting!